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Finnish ESF+ coordination projects are developing their international co-operation 

The representatives of the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, and Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment that manage structural fund projects had a meeting with the project managers and specialists of ESF+ coordination projects. The agenda of the meeting was international co-operation.  

In the work of the coordination projects, the authorities responsible for financing see the potential for creating good practices and co-operation in the Nordic and European region. Modelling international co-operation of the coordination projects is considered important. The coordination projects are involved in the process of bringing together and explaining information about ESF+ projects to funders and decision-makers in Finland. 

The coordination projects presented their own goals and actions towards international co-operation at the meeting. The work of the coordination projects appeared to be diverse and internationally active, although the creation of networks is still in the early stages. The coordination projects had identified important international actors in the field of ESF funding and had networked nationally with the authorities involved in the international co-operation. 

The coordination projects had mapped ESF+ projects related to their own themes in other EU member states, gathered information on international research and development in their own field, and participated in international research and development seminars. The coordination projects have their own national and international publications and are planning to publish in co-operation with the projects. In the future, supporting ESF+-funded projects in international networking and in presenting the results in international arenas is essential. 

Merja Niemi, Ministerial Adviser from the Ministry of Education and Culture acknowledged the coordination projects for their international work and encouraged activity in building networks. The information gathered by the coordination projects is relevant to ministries and the structural funds and helps to make ESF+ funding more effective.