Coordinating the participation and inclusion of children, young people and families supports and coordinates the development projects of the special objective 4.3 of the European Social Fund (ESF+) in the themes of inclusion, non-discrimination and gender equality. The aim is to introduce and utilise the results of the development projects and the good practices created along the way at the national, regional, and municipal level.
Coordination is part of the Innovation and Skills in Finland 2021–2027 programme (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.) under the EU cohesion policy, and its priority area 4 (Competent and inclusive Finland that provides work).
The coordination project’s tasks
- We coordinate and support national and regional development projects that promote the well-being of children, young people, and families both in their application and implementation phases.
- We promote inclusion, equality, gender equality and the relevant competence in services for children, young people, and families. We develop the evaluation of impact and promote the relevant competence.
- We offer networking opportunities to development projects and professionals, authorities and decision-makers that strive to promote the families’ well-being.
- We disseminate the results of the development projects and good practices to professionals, authorities and decision-makers.
- We take part in international cooperation in the field.
SOS Children’s Villages, Nuorten Akatemia and the Finnish National Agency for Education.
Collaborative partners
Coordination works together with and has a joint steering group with the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare’s Coordination for Equal Inclusion.
European Social Fund (ESF+)
Read more on the website
Support and coordination of inclusion, gender equality and equality in the work of European Social Fund 2021–2027 (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.)
Development of services for children, young people and families and promotion of well-being towards equality (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.)
European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.)