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Evaluation is a key element of goal-oriented work and developing operations. The aim of evaluation is to obtain information and to highlight the results achieved by setting goals. Evaluation also helps determine how operations should be developed in the future. Long-term collection, documentation, and systematic use of evaluation and feedback data help base the development of operations on facts. The results obtained through evaluation can be used both in everyday work and when writing a final report. In the best-case scenario, the results can be utilised throughout the project.   

A key goal of Coordinating the participation and inclusion of children, young people and families (ESF+) is to promote the inclusion, equality, and gender equality of children, young people, and families. For this reason, evaluation should also focus on the monitoring of the achievement of these goals. We support development projects in carrying out their evaluation, developing their impact assessment tools, and highlighting the good practices developed in the projects and their impacts. The aim is to produce more detailed information on how the services developed in the projects, how the quality and efficiency of the services improved, and what changes are observed in the well-being of the target groups involved.  

We comply with the principles of safer spaces in all our activities and events. We always treat everyone equally regardless of their ethnicity, nationality, language, religion, belief, opinion, state of health, sexual orientation, age, gender, potential disability or any other personal characteristic. To ensure this, we commit to the following principles together.